In a world where turmoil and disaster appear daily in the news, we would be forgiven for thinking our beautiful world has reached a point of no return. In fact, there is a silent revolution turning a tidal wave of chaos into an ocean of miracles.
Ordinary people are reaching out and connecting to each other in numbers never before seen. Those who work towards freedom and liberation of all humanity are quietly transforming the world. One person’s random act of kindness becomes another person’s miracle.
The Little Book of Everyday Miracles is a book that reminds us that life is a gift. The joy of taking a deep breath cannot be taken for granted, especially when you have seen someone take their last. The gratitude that fills your heart when your child succeeds in getting a dream job, or your grandchild says I love you cannot be underestimated. The peace we experience when we befriend an old enemy is possibly the greatest miracle imaginable. The willingness to let go of complaining, let go of being a victim, let go of our addictions to drama, brings into our lives a world of everyday miracles.
Miraculous moments rarely arrive in a fanfare of trumpets or with a spectacular triple arched rainbow announcing their arrival. Indeed, most miracles happen somewhere between a heartbeat and a blink of an eye. Unless we to stop and honour the sacred moment, they can all too quickly be lost.
The Little Book of Everyday Miracles opens our eyes to life’s magical moments. It reminds us to dream, pray, marvel and wonder. Everyday miracles are moments of grace that soften our world and touch the sweet innocence of the child within us all. Through stories of serendipity, synchronicity, coincidence and chance this beautiful book touches and irrevocably opens our hearts and releases wave after wave of gratitude and joy. The more we experience gratefulness the more open we are to receiving miracles in our lives.
When we’re open, we allow ourselves the opportunity to experience more everyday miracles, because, as the powerful universal law states, ‘That which is like unto itself is drawn’. Basically, we attract what we think about. If we focus on the good things in our life we draw more good things into our life. We have the power to attract both the good and the bad as a result of what we think and feel and call to us. Whether these intentions are conscious or not, when we change our thoughts, we change what we attract into our life.
In the words of Albert Einstein, “There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle; you can live as if everything is a miracle.” I know which way I choose. What about you?
Sharon Snir is a writer, Gestalt therapist and healer who has written three books. Sharon is founder and creator of a system of learning called The 12 Levels of Being, dedicated to developing an unconditional love for self and an understanding of the processes every human being undergoes in order to overcome life’s illusions.
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