Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Universal Heart Book Club Episode 2, September 2012

Welcome to the second video discussion from the Universal Heart Book Club.

Writers and Universal Heart Book Club hosts Stephanie Dowrick and Walter Mason this month discuss two quite different but utterly compelling memoirs: Susan Swingler's account of her conflicted history with legendary Australian novelist Elizabeth Jolley, The House of Fiction, and Jeanette Winterson's bittersweet memories that begin with life with her mother, Why Be Happy When You Could Be Normal?  You will also find our written reviews of these books below, as well as a range of other very fine articles.

As you read the books we feature, please share your views in our comments section. Those conversations are essential to this being the "book club" we envision. Many thanks to Peter Kirkwood for the marvellous job he has done filming this conversation and bringing it to you.


  1. Really enjoyed this discussion - the thoughtful and relaxed mood of it, and the choice of books that can really take you somewhere in the realms of human experience.

  2. Very engaging, loved both posts. Look forward to the next. Both very relaxed and great choices!

  3. Thank you for your book recommendations. At the moment I am reading Christian Bobin's The Very Lowly - I'm captured from page 1. Look forward to reading these two books.

  4. Dianne, I am so glad you are reading the Christian Bobin - I need to get to him as well, having read Mark's fascinating review.
